how to release resistance & find internal peace

how to release resistance & find internal peace

I recently opened and devoured the book “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield. Every page depicting different ways we resist

stepping into our worth
real meaningful happiness
true love

without even realizing it.

While this blog post is about how to find internal peace, we must first learn what holds us back. Resistance. And it comes in all sorts of forms from all sorts of places, and has been for a long long time. Our ego likes us to stay in one place. To make excuses for not doing the work. To be as comfortable as possible by not changing or challenging ourselves, Our ego is terrified taking the next scary step.

“Quit trying to become a best selling author, it’s not worth trying” comes in the form of a nagging voice you’ve been listening to since you were a kid.

“You’re never gonna lose the weight” stops you with a little stab in the heart that you’ve known for so long.

“Just stay in bed a little longer, watch another show, grab that pint of ice cream” feels like a warm cozy blanket that’s been comforting you for as long as you can remember.

While we are all destined for our own greatness, we live our lives with these feelings and thoughts of resistance without even noticing. We find ourselves starting another list of New Years resolutions while dreaming of a better life, never questioning what’s held us back from not having accomplished them last year.

According to multiple surveys, the top resolutions for 2020 are to feel good about our bodies, our lives, the decisions we make, the way we spend our time. (lose weight, make more money, eat better, travel more). We start the year with the best of intentions, and after a week or two (kudos is you get through the whole month), something shifts. Our ego pleads for us to stay in the same spot, we feel dread or boredom taking the next step, and we go back to our old ways. Resistance has made its little way back.

I’ve been exploring this world for years through podcasts + books, retreats + workshops, energy healings + all the things. . The world of self discovery is saturated with so much information and its hard to know where to begin.
That’s why I’m launching a five day pay-what-you-want course, available Feb 1. The goal for the course is to support you, wherever you are, in your journey to internal peace.

The following are five foundational steps to defeat resistance, get real with yourself, and find the courage to live in freedom and peace every day.


    By bringing awareness to your internal dialogue, you learn that you are not your thoughts.

  •  BREATH:

    Learning to focus on something other than your thoughts, we release what your internal narrative is saying, getting closer to your internal compass.


    Living in a way that promotes gratitude, awareness and patience, we are practicing appreciation of what is, without any connection to the outcome.


    With more understanding of how works in our minds, we learn where it is held in our physical bodies, how to detect it and let it go.


    Why? The antidote to anxiety and distress and all negative things is self love. It is the courage to step into who you are and knowing your worthiness.

In this course, you’ll learn about the benefits of meditation and some simple yet incredibly effective breathing techniques. You’ll discover strategic and easy to implement ways of living more mindfully and discover where emotional tension manifests into physical pain. While the practice of self love is encouraged through the whole week, we’ll dive deeper into the complex world of what it is to really love your Self on day 5.

Each e-mail will contain:

research + testimonials
the basics + benefits
bite sized + simple “how tos” in your life
guided meditations

For more information and resources, please do not hesitate to ask! Stay tuned for the course, and keep it up with those resolutions. You got this.


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Copy of 10 days | 10 thanks

Your intro to mindful meditation

Your intro to mindful meditation